
Healthy Snacks For Weight Loss: 25 Pounds Later

Was there ever any doubt in your mind that an apple is one of the best healthy snacks for weight loss? Tell me something I don't know, right?

healthy snacks
The problem is you probably love another food that isn't nearly as healthy as an apple. If you're like me, you probably have a love for chocolate. Don't worry; there are millions of people who feel the same way about chocolate. Strip away the benefits of dark chocolate and you have an empty calorie treat.

I always wondered what the results would be if you compared the calories in an apple to the calories in a famous candy bar with chocolate, caramel and peanuts.

We have a tendency to over-think things sometimes and that can cost us. In this case, it's weight gain we're talking about. I know it seems absurd to compare something like an apple to this yummy candy bar, but how else are you going to find out about losing 25 pounds (potentially) in one year's time?

Now it's time to substitute chocolate for healthy snacks to lose weight instead.

Think of how slim you could be in your new clothes...

If you eat between 2000-2500 calories per day and you decided to reduce 500 calories from your daily diet, how much could you lose in a year?

Here are 2 very simple examples that add up to almost 500 calories:

  • 125 calories - caffe' latte (12 ounces)
  • 320 calories - Plain Bagel (Chain Store)

So here's 445 calories you might have typically everyday. With a little math wizardry, you potentially lose 46.51 pounds in a year by following this logic of giving up a bagel and a caffe' latte? Okay, this may not be completely true. If you burned off those excess calories, you wouldn't gain the weight.

This example also assumes you're eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables (good cholesterol foods) and not eating a steady diet of junk food (bad cholesterol foods).

The biggest challenge we face when we are face with a dilemma like this is, "we don't want to give up our comfort foods". Do you need to give up your favorite foods and be miserable? No!

But if you want to lose potentially 25 pounds in a year, start by giving up 200-500 calories per day. By sticking with healthy snacks for weight loss, you will be well on your way to being 25 pounds skinnier.

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