
Fat Loss Snacks You Don't Want To Be Eating

Gearing up for your fat loss diet plan? If so, you need to be mindful about the foods that you're consuming. Snacking sometimes gets the bad rap as people believe that they shouldn't be snacking between meals, but this isn't necessarily the case.

Snacking can be a great way to calm your hunger, reach your nutritional needs, and make sure that you are going to be keeping your metabolism humming all day long.

But, only if you snack on the right foods. Snack on the wrong foods and you're going to be in trouble.

Often foods that are marketed to dieters may seem like a wise decision as they'll be touted as being low in fat or low in calories, but you often need to take a second look.

Some seemingly healthy snacks can be anything but, so it's imperative that you do a thorough analysis of what you're choosing to consume.

Let's have a look at a few of the main fat loss snacks that you don't want to be eating.

Granola Bars 

The first snack that you want to say so-long to on your diet plan is granola bars. Granola bars are loaded with extra sugar and aren't going to offer hardly anything in the way of protein.

Many people pick up a cereal or granola bar when on the run first thing in the morning thinking that it'll help them do their diet good since they're having breakfast, but really they're just setting themselves up for a carb-binge mid-morning.

You would be far better off opting for a bowl of real oatmeal instead. It may take a few minutes to cook, but it's going to be a far healthier option.

Fruit Cups 

Next on the list of snacks that you need to say no to is fruit cups. While fruit itself is an okay part of a sound diet program, fruit cups are not.

Fruit cups are also loaded with sugar - far more than the natural sugars that are found in the real fruit.

It takes just as much time to grab a piece of real fruit as it does to pick up a fruit cup, so don't make the mistake of reaching for these. You will definitely regret it.

The only one exception to this rule perhaps could be fruit cups with water rather than syrup, but even then, they are going to have their skin removed, and that's where most of the fiber is found.

Protein Bars 

Protein bars are the next food that you need to make sure you aren't giving in to temptation with. Protein powders are high in sugar content and while they will provide you with some protein, they'll also provide you with far too many empty calories.

Therefore these are also not in your best interests. While they may be better than a chocolate bar in some regards due to the fact that you are getting that protein, from a calorie point of view, they're often just as high if not higher than the average chocolate bar.

If you are going to opt for a protein bar, try and seek out one that's lower in sugar content and around 200 calories.

If you start going beyond the 200 calorie mark up to 300 calories or more, you're going to find that these bars aren't as filling as they should be for the calorie value they contain and it may make it difficult to sustain a proper weight loss calorie intake.

Frozen Convenience Meals 

Moving along, the next snack that you need to say not to, which some may actually choose to have as a meal instead are frozen convenience meals. While there may be the odd one here that you pick up that does have a decent nutrition profile, generally speaking these are far too high in sodium, often lack dietary fiber, and usually don't provide enough protein for you to be using them for a full meal.

As a snack, the protein count may be okay, but then you'll have to question the carb or fat count.

If they contain too much of either of these nutrients, the calorie intake will be too high for the meal. If you are going to have these, at least opt for one that does contain a solid source of protein (chicken or shrimp rather than just pasta) and toss in a few extra veggies while you cook it to boost the fiber intake as well.

100 Calorie Packs 

Moving along, the next snack that you may not want to be including in your diet on a regular basis is 100 calorie packs. These are often marketed to dieters as a good way to cheat on your diet plan and satisfy those cravings, without consuming so many calories that you gain weight because of it.

While it is true that portion control is important and by having the calorie count under control with these 100 calorie packs you can have them on occasion without worry, what's not true is that this makes them good as an anytime snack.

They still don't provide you with protein or fiber, so from that perspective, they are not going to be even close to ideal.

For a snack to be effective, it should consist of lean protein, fiber, and a small dose of healthy fats. These do not satisfy that in any manner.

So keep all of these snacks in mind as you move through your diet program. By choosing smarter snacks, you can keep your diet under control far better and make sure that you are seeing the weight loss results you desire.

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