
Eating a Healthy Breakfast For Weight Loss

Breakfast is one of the most missed meals of the day. Without a good start, you are going to lack the needed fuel to get through your day. Also, the longer you go without eating the more your metabolism will slow down, which tells your body to store fat. So if you haven't eaten since dinner at 6:00 pm the night before, your body is screaming for food because it's probably been at least 12 hours since it's last drop of food and nutrients! So a great start is to squeeze that healthy breakfast in, which does not have to require a lot of time. Eating a healthy breakfast will also go a long way in helping you to reach your weight loss goals.

breakfast for weight loss
No need to worry! There are many foods that are healthy and can keep you from missing that most important meal of the day. Great options include:

  • fresh fruit
  • a cup of yogurt
  • a protein shake or protein bar
  • scrambled egg wrap with peppers and salsa
  • whole grain toast or English muffin with peanut butter
  • instant oatmeal with some fruit or nuts mixed in

These are all great starts for the day when you're on the run. So, instead of grabbing the sausage biscuit and hashbrowns through the drive-through opt for a healthier breakfast option. Many fast food restaurants are starting to add healthier food choices to their menus such as fruit cups and yogurt, as the pressure of providing a healthier alternative is becoming more important.

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