
Does the 11 Day Diet Really Work?

The 11 day diet, also known as the Idiot Proof Diet, takes an interesting and new approach to dieting. Rather than counting calories, the 11 day diet works to manipulate the metabolism through an 11 day cycle of caloric adjustment, never allowing the body to adjust to one specific metabolic rate. The diet consists of an 11 day cycle followed by a three day rest period where one eats whatever he or she wants. The goal of this diet is to not allow the metabolism to slow down or ever rest at one rate. If one's metabolism is faster than the end result will be weight loss. This is not a new concept as many athletes have used similar rituals for years. However, the idea of an 11 day cycle is a unique approach to an already proven method to weight loss.

7 day diet
There are some basic rules that this diet adheres to. First, meals cycle between carbohydrate rich and protein rich over the 11 day period as well as throughout the day. Next, the dieter is supposed to eat 4 meals per day, separated by 2.5 hours. The purpose of this is to keep the metabolism working constantly and balance blood sugar levels. In addition, meals need to be prepared at home. Furthermore, the dieter needs to avoid condiments such as: mayonnaise, butter and other spreads which offer excess calories. One also needs to be mindful of how much he or she is eating and to stop eating once satisfied. This diet does not have a caloric restriction, but overeating will not result in the intended outcome. In addition, the consumption of beverages such as: pop, fruit juices and other high calorie drinks are not allowed. Instead, one needs to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. Lastly, avoid sweets and walk at least 45 minutes per day to increase metabolic rates and burn fat.

Many people believe that the 11 day diet is user friendly, easy to follow, and simple to understand. In addition, this diet can be followed entirely on-line, making it effortless to diet from one's home computer. There is an on-line manual that explains how the diet works. One can review the rules, benefits and possible outcomes. Once this is completed, the dieter is taken to the on-line generator. Through the generator, one will choose the types of foods and meals he or she will be consuming for the next 11 days. Options include: tuna, hamburgers, chicken, nuts, pasta, eggs and more.

Some of the reviews and result of this diet have been favorable. Although the 11 day diet does not claim to be similar to Atkins or other low carbohydrate diets, many of the food choices are low carbohydrate and high in protein. Most people on the diet claimed to lose 5-10 pounds during the 11 day period. Many also stated that the diet was easy to follow, the food choices were decent, and they were not left feeling hungry.

On the other hand, some experts and people believe that this can be a method for short term weight loss, but does not work to maintain long term weight loss. Some feel that the food choices can be very restrictive. Weight loss may actually be from water loss rather than losing fat. Therefore, once one ends the diet and one goes back to their regular eating habits, he or she will gain the weight back.

However, it is important to note that diets are a method of training our bodies to consume healthier and more nutritious foods, control portion sizes, exercise, and burn calories at a higher rate. Therefore, a diet such as the 11 day diet can be beneficial for short term weight loss, but also in training our bodies and brains to make better choices. The 11 day diet can be a starting point in achieving long term weight loss goals.

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