
Alabama 3 Day Diet - A Review

The Alabama 3 Day Diet has become widely known as a quick weight loss diet that is reported to have its origins in a hospital located in Alabama. Other reports place the source as the University of Alabama. There are claims that users are able to lose up to 10 lbs in as little as 3 days by following this simple diet plan.

alabama diet
Whilst the actual beginnings of this diet are not clear, it is apparent that details of the menu have spread widely and the Alabama 3 Day Diet is known across the internet under a variety of names, such as the Tuna Fish Diet, 3 Day Tuna Diet, 3 Day Cardiac Diet, Birmingham Cardiac Diet, Hospital 3 Day Diet, Army 3 Day Diet, and many more. None of the institutions mentioned has claimed it as their own creation.

As the menu plans of these various diets are very similar, they can be considered to be basically the same.

The Alabama 3 Day Diet provides a low level of daily calories in the menu plans, which cover breakfast, lunch and dinner. This is probably the main reason for weight loss during the diet, along with water loss. The food groups are mainly protein and some carbohydrates, with little fat included.

Drinking at least 6 cups of water each day is recommended and 8 cups is to be preferred. This helps with the normal functions of the body, as well as digestion.

The main sources of protein are tuna, eggs, and a small amount of cheese, such as cheddar or cottage cheese.

Fruit and vegetables, including broccoli, carrots, banana and grapefruit, as well as toast, provide the carbohydrates.

Black tea or coffee is allowed with meals. An artificial sweetener is allowed but not sugar or honey.

Weight loss resulting from the 3 Day Diet Alabama can be attributed to two sources: First, the level of calories available each day is only about 1,000 calories and the body will expend much more than that with normal activities. Secondly, the low level of carbohydrates will not retain water in the body, so this will tend to be lost.

Some reservations about the diet include:

1. When food quantities are restricted, the body tends to activate a mechanism that conserves fat storage and energy. It also reduces metabolism and less energy is available. This conservation makes it more difficult to lose fat.

2. The diet is not very filling and hunger pangs are likely, especially towards the end of the three days. This is not only uncomfortable but places stress on the body.
3. Feeling hungry at the end of the diet is likely to encourage over-indulgence in 'normal' foods after 3 days, which is counter-productive and restores any weight which has been lost.

4. The limited range of food available means that the intake of nutrients is also low and this can impact on health if the 3 day Alabama Diet is continued for a longer period.

5. Feelings of hunger and, possibly, boredom can make it hard to persist with the weight loss program.

6. The considerations above make this diet plan unsuitable for a long-term weight loss strategy.

Dieters should consider that achieving lasting weight reduction is more likely with a wider and more interesting range of foods as part of a continuing plan for good health. Variety also helps dieting to be more interesting - that is, less boring - so the recommended guidelines are more likely to be followed. Menu plans which followed a technique known as calorie shifting and took into account your own food preferences, could also help with this.

As the Alabama 3 Day Diet provides very limited calories and nutrients, as well as some stress on the body and hunger pangs, it is likely that this approach will not give a satisfactory long term outcome. Moreover, it could well encourage food binging at the completion of the diet and earlier weight loss would soon be undone.

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