
1200 Calories Per Day - Is This Unhealthy?

Question: Is 1200 Calories per day unhealthy for me? Keep in mind, I'm short and do not exercise at all.
1200 calorie diet plan

Thanks in advance.

Answer: To put it in simple terms, the amount of calories you consume on a daily basis depends on how tall you are as well as how much lean muscle tissue your body has.  For example, if we look at Person A (male) who weighs 200 pounds and is 6 feet tall, they could be considered muscular or average depending on the amount of lean muscle they have.  If this person were to try and eat only 1200 calories a day, it would be considered unhealthy and their energy levels would plummet making it hard to function throughout the day.  In addition, they run the risk of turning catabolic which is every dieter's worst nightmare.

Now, if you were to have Person B (female) who is 5 feet 4 inches and weighs 115 pounds, then it would be okay to consume 1200 calories daily as their body does not have as much lean muscle tissue nor are they that tall.  So as a result, the energy Person B utilizes from the calories is not nearly the amount that Person A requires on a daily basis.

So when it comes to whether eating 1200 calories a day is healthy or not, you can see through this illustration that it really depends on the person's height and lean muscle tissue that they have.  As a final word, always remember to spread your caloric intake throughout the day as in 5 to 6 small meals.  This way you will increase your metabolism and fight any unwanted fat from being stored.  Also, remember to perform some form of weight training exercises in conjunction with your cardio exercises to ensure yourself the best weight loss results possible!

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