
10 Sensible Tips to Make the Most of Your Health Related Fitness Workout Routines

I do not intend to oversimplify things - there are obvious considerations: knowing what you'd like to achieve and realizing that you will have to make the time and effort to work out. Realize that these are given, or you will be wasting your time. Sorry, nothing good comes without sacrifice.
workout routine

But you will enjoy your success more than you can imagine right now, once you get there.

So, what is the glue that holds your overall progress and results together to make a real difference?

Consistency - autonomic sense of routine - motivation - enjoyment - results = more enjoyment.

With very little additional effort on your part, these simple and commonsense steps can take your performance and results to a new level. We're not talking about scientific secrets or involved strategies, they are merely techniques that will keep you and your workout routines "on-track", and give you the results you "should" be getting.

But surely there's a whole lot more to this than a few simple procedures?

No, many fitness authorities do tend to make health related fitness rather complicated - and expensive, but it needn't be. The essence is a sensible and practical approach.

Assuming that you've done the necessary preliminaries like your medical check-up and workout program selection, here's how you can make the most from your Health Related Fitness Workout Routines:


Needless to say, you should be following a sensible healthy eating plan of mostly low fat meals to support steady gains from your workout routines. This will allow you to maintain or steadily lose weight.

For maximum benefits, your meals need to be planned ahead of time so that you don't leave things to chance and risk eating incorrectly. Humans are not infallible, and nobody likes to feel deprived - so if you eat responsibly and correctly most of the time, you will have a little welcome flexibility to occasionally eat out or grab that irresistible pizza at the weekend.

Meal-timing can make or break your workout program. Even by training hard, if your nutrition intake is haphazard, you will be spinning your wheels. Aim to eat no sooner than 2 hours before your workout routines, unless you are training first thing in the morning in which case you would be best advised to train on an empty stomach. The timing of post-workout meals is also important for recovery and for building or repairing your body. The ideal window is 30 to 60 minutes after your workout.

In terms of meal frequency, you will also find yourself falling short of your goals if you don't consume wholesome food (good quality carbs, protein and healthy fats) and keep your intake consistent. 5 to 6 healthy low fat meals a day is the way to go. This will enable you to lose weight sensibly and gain lean mass.


Without a plan, you are pretty much shooting in the dark. It is vital to "map out" your workout routines and keep track of your progress if you intend realizing your program goals. You should use a workout log to assist you not only in setting out your program activities and recording your performance, but also to track your body measurements. Your documented progress is also a great way to boost your motivation.

In addition, make a commitment to yourself in your log in the form of a simple contract. The prospect of a reward if you fulfil your training goals, is another way to motivate your efforts.


This does not mean obsessing about them. It simply means that briefly visualizing the workouts and going through the programmed exercise acts like a rehearsal in your mind - an appetizer if you like. As you start making gains and progressing with your program, you may even find that this happens without willing it - and gets you excited. If you can savour the prospect of working out, then you are really into your program. That's a good sign.


Sometimes you may feel "under the weather" for no apparent reason, or you may have a cold or other illness. If it's merely a case that you just do not feel up to it, I would be inclined to say give it a go. Chances are that you will perform better than you thought you would, and feel better for it afterwards. However, if you do have a cold or the flu, there is obviously little sense in pushing through a workout routine - it could even be dangerous. Don't get hung up and work out just for your peace of mind - adopt a sensible approach. Rest and get yourself ready for your comeback - you will make up lost ground.


This is an important catalyst and precursor to help get you motivated. Your motivation will then take care of your sense of routine, and vice versa. The fastest way to fall off the proverbial bus is to miss successive planned workouts. Then, making excuses why you need to miss more becomes less difficult to rationalize. Before you know it, you've packed it in and given up.

What I am saying is that sticking to your program is essential, even when you sometimes do not feel like it. It can happen though that you need to miss a workout here and there - but don't make a habit of it. Capitalize on the momentum and don't forfeit your investment. ROUTINE = MOTIVATION = ROUTINE = SUCCESS.


Obviously too much repetition, especially with long workouts, can lead to boredom. Remember, the sense of routine is important, but do not misunderstand this to infer that you should stick to the same program design for all eternity. It applies to the "consistency" in working out. In the larger realm of things, cycling your exercise routines is a good way to keep your fitness program stimulating and interesting. Build in some variety into your workouts. Even your muscles tend to get bored with the same workout routine or order of exercises. Try reversing or alternating exercise types in successive workouts, not only for variety, but also to keep your muscles "thinking."

I revise my workout programs monthly. I additionally build in a low-impact month after each 3-month period to alleviate any possible sense of boredom and maximize my recovery. This useful "mini layoff" keeps me interested, and gets me eager to come back for more success.


I appreciate background music when I train, but I personally avoid the use headphones when I do my weight workouts. It goes without saying that if you are handling heavy weights, you need to be perfectly attuned to your body, breathing and positioning to achieve proper results, as well as avoiding any possible accidents. Of course doing cardio presents less of a danger, aside from cycling or road running where traffic could pose risks to your safety. Use whatever works for you, but apply due caution and do it the sensible way.


A hectic work schedule and little sleep unfortunately do not bode well for successfully fulfilling a workout program. You need to give your body adequate rest after your workouts to derive the benefits of physical exercise. One has to be sensible about this. Among the quickest ways to fall prey to colds and flu is by lowering your resistance through physical exertion and lack of sleep. And you will need even more if you're following a tough workout program. Lack of sleep increases cortisol levels in the blood and compromises the efficacy of your natural antibodies.


Photography is an excellent way to boost your morale and keep you on track with your exercise program. Naturally, you need to be doing your workouts regularly and eating well in order to progress and show the progress in your body condition. Comparing before and after photos is a tried and trusted method to keep commitment and motivation high.


Excuses work as an interesting double-edged sword, and I know this from personal experience. Once you are actively partaking in a workout program and seeing results, you will better understand what this is all about. If you were previously inactive, you may recall how easy it was to use excuses for why you couldn't work out like: I have no time, there're too many other important commitments, or perhaps even the gym is too far and so forth.

Once you get active and become serious, you will find yourself making excuses for why you cannot miss your workout routines. In fact you will do almost anything to abide by your training schedule. If you can relate to this, it means you're on the right track and making the most of your workout routines. Always try and stay focused so you use the correct edge.

So, with your decision to work out made, incorporate these tips and a small measure of commonsense into your health related fitness program. You'll be getting better results and enriching your workout experience, making it fun and all the more worthwhile.

Cleto Tirabassi is a certified Fitness Trainer with the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA). His work centers on the "sensible approach" to Health-Related Fitness, which entails the use of practical, flexible and sustainable methods to achieve optimal levels of health and physical fitness. His clientele belongs mostly to the group he calls "average everyday people", who in short want to be in excellent shape, yet still lead a conventional life.

Based in Rome, Italy - he is dedicated to guiding the individuals he works with to realize their health and fitness goals. He also understands that the health and fitness industry is constantly evolving and therefore maintains a close watch on trends in his field of expertise.

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