
The Transition To The Vegan Diet - Smooth Sailing For The Beginner Vegan

The vegan lifestyle is both rewarding and challenging at the same time. Those new to the vegan diet should have a thorough understanding and knowledge of this lifestyle in order make the transition to becoming vegan as easy as possible. This will ensure that you will know exactly what to expect, and will help you to cope with and understand any challenges that may arise. The following 3 tips are especially for the beginner vegan. They will help you to understand how to start a vegan diet successfully. In other words, how to ensure smooth sailing!

vegan diet
Tip # 1 - Know In Advance the Rewards & Challenges

The rewarding aspect of the vegan diet involves the amazing health and mental benefits including weight loss, clear skin, fewer allergies, a reversal or reduction of chronic illness, slower aging process, inner peace and contentment, and ability to focus and concentrate better. The challenging aspect involves how family and friends will react initially and long-term, the cravings the you will develop (especially at the start of the diet for the beginner vegan), the challenge of eating out, initial detox symptoms, and feeling like a bit of a burden when people must prepare different food just for you.

Research other people who have gone on the vegan diet and see what they have experienced. What did they say was the most challenging aspect? Did it get easier for them? Also find out what benefits and rewards they experienced. You will find in your research that most folk will agree that the rewards by far outweigh any challenges or obstacles experienced on the vegan lifestyle!

Tip # 2 - Find & Collect Great Vegan Recipes

This is one of the most important tips to transitioning to the vegan diet. It is imperative for every beginner vegan to start their new diet fully prepared, i.e., with plenty of great vegan recipes. Having a substantial amount of recipes collected will ensure the following:

1. That you can prepare something quick & easy when you are feeling tired or busy

2. Will save you the nuisance of having to hunt for vegan recipes when you are simply not in the mood.

3. When you are craving a sweet treat, you can go to your recipe collection and bake your own healthy cake or slice, rather than either going off your diet or eating packet vegan junk food.

Find your vegan recipes online via websites, blogs, you-tube, or by purchasing a vegan recipe e-book (note: vegan recipe e-books contain tonnes of delicious recipes made by professional vegan chefs). Otherwise, you could purchase a vegan recipe cookbook at your local bookstore, but this is usually the most expensive option. The choice of where you get your recipes is all yours.

Tip # 3 - Let Family, Friends & Co-Workers Know

It is important to inform close friends, family and even co-workers that you are adopting a vegan lifestyle. This will serve as a protection for you and will help make your transition to the vegan diet as stress-free as possible. How so? Here are a few scenarios that you will be safeguarded from:

1. When friends or family come to visit you, they will already know that you are eating vegan-only food, and will refrain from bringing cakes or biscuits that you can't eat. In fact, they will likely have gone to the trouble of selecting a vegan treat from the supermarket - just to share with you!

2. You will be saved from a lot of questions and interrogations at cafes and restaurants, since your friends have already been informed of your decision (and likely, to a large extent, your interrogation will already be over!!!)

3. In social gatherings, end of year celebrations, and parties, it is likely that the host will ensure that there is some food there that you can eat. There's nothing worse than going to a party and not being able to eat any of the food (been there, done that. I don't recommend that you put yourself in that situation).

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