There really is no secret formula to get rid of belly fat. It's a
problem almost everybody has to deal with at one point in their lives
or another. But did you know that fat in the abdominal section is the
first kind of fat that a man tends to lose when he loses weight?
According to a recent study 99% of men who successfully lose weight will
lose fat in the stomach area before anywhere else. That's good news,
isn't it?
To lose weight and get rid of belly fat you have to start evaluating your lifestyle. With a few tweaks in what you eat what you do can lead to a trim tummy, maybe even a rock hard solid six-pack if you really put your mind into it. Of course, losing weight naturally all boils down to diet and exercises. Here are a few tips to get you started:
1. Eat your breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I bet your mom has mentioned that more than once before. A lot of men think that skipping breakfast will help them get rid of belly fat. That is a common misconception. A healthy breakfast is a great way to jumpstart your metabolism early on in the day. That way your body starts burning calories earlier. But of course, you have to watch what you eat. A great light breakfast would be a protein shake blended with your favorite fresh fruit. It's easy to prepare even if you are in a rush, it is low in calories, and most importantly it helps regulate your sugar level.
2. Eat smaller meal portions 6 times a day. This is probably no news to you. This advice has been around for a while and for a good reason. Even if you consume as much calories as when you were having 3 full meals daily, spreading out the intervals of these meals will significantly increase your metabolism. You get the same calories but more calories are burned by your body. With this method alone, expect to lose a couple of pounds in a month or less.
3. Concentrate when you eat. Men tend to multitask even while they're eating. Do you eat in front of a TV? Are you the person who continues to work on your computer while eating? If you are then you have to stop. Doing other activities while eating makes your mind focus less on what you eat and you will not be able to concentrate on the amount of food that you consume. More so, you tend not to notice that your body already had enough. Your body always gives a sign that you are full. But since you are doing something else, you might not be able to notice the sign.
And it is also very important to chew every bite carefully. Count to 20 while chewing. This is a very simple but great way to improve your digestive system and you will also be able to be fully aware of your fullness level.
4. Are you a beer lover? You cannot get rid of belly fat or more appropriately your beer belly if you do not cut down on beer. Try giving it up for at least two weeks. A lot of men have testified that they have lost a couple of inches around the waist just by staying away from beer for 2 weeks.
Avoid junk foods and fast foods. Believe me, no matter how much crunches and sit-ups you perform, even if you have the most expensive fat burner equipment, you will not get rid of belly fat if you keep gorging out on chips, donuts, burgers, and pizza.
These tips to get rid of belly fat are very basic and doable. Following them to the letter can do wonders in helping you lose weight. Couple it up with regular 30-minute weight lifting daily, and not only will you get rid of belly fat, it is also very possible for you to get six-pack abs.
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To lose weight and get rid of belly fat you have to start evaluating your lifestyle. With a few tweaks in what you eat what you do can lead to a trim tummy, maybe even a rock hard solid six-pack if you really put your mind into it. Of course, losing weight naturally all boils down to diet and exercises. Here are a few tips to get you started:
1. Eat your breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I bet your mom has mentioned that more than once before. A lot of men think that skipping breakfast will help them get rid of belly fat. That is a common misconception. A healthy breakfast is a great way to jumpstart your metabolism early on in the day. That way your body starts burning calories earlier. But of course, you have to watch what you eat. A great light breakfast would be a protein shake blended with your favorite fresh fruit. It's easy to prepare even if you are in a rush, it is low in calories, and most importantly it helps regulate your sugar level.
2. Eat smaller meal portions 6 times a day. This is probably no news to you. This advice has been around for a while and for a good reason. Even if you consume as much calories as when you were having 3 full meals daily, spreading out the intervals of these meals will significantly increase your metabolism. You get the same calories but more calories are burned by your body. With this method alone, expect to lose a couple of pounds in a month or less.
3. Concentrate when you eat. Men tend to multitask even while they're eating. Do you eat in front of a TV? Are you the person who continues to work on your computer while eating? If you are then you have to stop. Doing other activities while eating makes your mind focus less on what you eat and you will not be able to concentrate on the amount of food that you consume. More so, you tend not to notice that your body already had enough. Your body always gives a sign that you are full. But since you are doing something else, you might not be able to notice the sign.
And it is also very important to chew every bite carefully. Count to 20 while chewing. This is a very simple but great way to improve your digestive system and you will also be able to be fully aware of your fullness level.
4. Are you a beer lover? You cannot get rid of belly fat or more appropriately your beer belly if you do not cut down on beer. Try giving it up for at least two weeks. A lot of men have testified that they have lost a couple of inches around the waist just by staying away from beer for 2 weeks.
Avoid junk foods and fast foods. Believe me, no matter how much crunches and sit-ups you perform, even if you have the most expensive fat burner equipment, you will not get rid of belly fat if you keep gorging out on chips, donuts, burgers, and pizza.
These tips to get rid of belly fat are very basic and doable. Following them to the letter can do wonders in helping you lose weight. Couple it up with regular 30-minute weight lifting daily, and not only will you get rid of belly fat, it is also very possible for you to get six-pack abs.