
Serious Fitness - 2 Best Exercises For a Serious Fitness Enthusiast!

As a professional trainer and strength and conditioning specialist I understand what it means to have a serious attitude on fitness. Knowing this I wanted to write about a couple of hard hitting exercises for you guys and girls that are serious about fitness. Apply these to your personal program and watch your results come much faster!

1. The Double Arm Kettlebell Swing: If you are looking for the right equipment or right gear for serious fitness then you have got to include the kettlebell into your personal arsenal of training drills. The base strength endurance lift of the kettlebell is known as the double arm kettlebell swing. This exercise involves you picking the bell up with both hands and with proper form swinging it from between your legs up to chest height. This is done by you having to implement a technique known as the hip snap. The hip snap involves you fluently and consistently flexing and extending at your knees and hips to create the necessary momentum to swing the bell back and forth like a pendulum. This is a serious workout that is the king of workouts to burn fat! This single exercise incorporates hundreds of muscles that cause you to quickly break a sweat and get you in shape fast.

2. The Overhead Kettlebell Press And Walk: For this kettlebell exercise you will only need a bell of moderately heavy resistance and a relatively open flat space to work. To begin, properly perform the kettlebell clean to get the kettlebell to your chest. Next, press the kettlebell overhead and walk the distance of about 25 yards! This incorporates more of a static amount of tension on your arms, shoulders, back, and core for a serious workout to burn fat and build some serious lean muscle mass. This certainly puts the icing on the cake for your fat loss workout. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart.

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