
Diets That Work - A Detailed List

There is a great deal of deception in the weight loss industry. So much so it is hard to trust the word of anyone and get proper information regarding the validity of the diet you are trying to choose. That is why I am going to give you a list of diets for you to compare. That way you can contrast them, research facts and most importantly, take whatever valuable piece of information you can and add it to your own unique diet plan. After all, the only weight loss guru you should pay homage to is yourself, which is why its vital to digest allot of varying information on the subject of weight loss.

* Low G.I Diet

The Glycemic Index is a ranking of foods based on how much they affect blood glucose levels. Low GI foods keeps blood glucose levels steady as opposed to bouncing up and down through the day - causing mood swings and energy lows/highs. Examples of these types of food include vegetables, whole grains (oats barley, bran) quinoa, chick peas, plain yogurt and skim milk.

* Macrobiotic Diet

The superset of the Macrobiotic diet is essentially veganism/vegetarianism. Many followers emphasize there physical and spiritual well being from the diet as it isn't involved in the slaughter of animals. It emphasizes brown rice, soy, local fruits, vegetables, beans, seeds and nuts.

* Organic Diet

Followers of this diet claim that the result of eating organic products for there ethical, sociological and health related purposes can cause dieters to loose weight. People on this diet live a life free of pesticides, preservatives, sweeteners and meats coming from places with a reputation for animal cruelty. Foods include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, anything not processed, without transfats, artificial flavorings and sweeteners. Foods also consumed are free range eggs and hormone free milk. The food is quite healthy and certainly can aid weight loss.

* Raw Food

Apparently, according to Raw Food Dieters, cooking meat over a temperature of 106 degrees destroys its natural enzymatic properties leaving it with less nutrition. Food includes, sushi, fruits, veggies, nuts, seared fish and meat.

* Sonoma Diet

This is a combination of Asian, Latin American and Mediterranean cuisines and made with ingredients of what's known as the 10 power foods. By ensuring eating meals is an enjoyable prospect, the Sonoma diet provides meals that have good nutritional value, avoid bad foods and is certainly sustainable in the long run as it is tasty to eat. These power foods to be eaten are: almonds bell peppers, blueberries, broccoli, grapes, olive oil, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes, whole grains and feta cheese.

* Jenny Craig

Jenny Craig isn't technically a diet but its effectiveness to get dieters to lose weight gives it worthy cause for mention. The reason I would argue its so affective is that it isn't super complicated with flashy gimmicks but just gives basic fundamentals needed for weight loss - good diet and exercise. It then has personal consultants that build a diet for you and motivates you to stick to the plan. Foods eaten are cereal with skim milk, Jenny Craig style chicken fettuccine, fruit, vegetables, and jenny Craig style pumpkin soup.

* Nutrisystems

Nutristystems is a prepackaged meal plan that arrives at your doorstep daily. Like Jenny Craig, it is not a diet that is flashy and new but places emphasis on stick-to-it-ivness. The food order is good for 5 meals and can include foods such as apple cinnamon oatmeal, cream of broccoli soup, beef tacos, and whipped sweet potatoes with cheese.

* South Beach Diet

There is a difference between 'good' and 'bad' carbohydrates according to followers of the South Beach Diet. A bad carbohydrate would be white bread, pasta or rice. This also includes the more obvious chocolate cake. Instead, dieters say you should eat 'good' carbohydrates which include vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

* The Zone Diet

The zone is an idea that there is a balance between the macro nutrients; carbohydrates, protein and fats and getting 'the zone' achieves perfect hormonal balance. 40% carbohydrates, 40% fats and 30% protein is the ratio. You can eat what you like but it's important that you eat the right portion if you are to stick to the diet.

* Weight Watchers

Old fashioned, not technical and not flashy - just good old fashioned fundamentals with the help of group sessions, personal consultants and online support is how I would describe Weight Watches. There are two plans, you can eat what you like based on a point system or you can eat based on a core plan that only allows you to eat nutritious food.

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