
Weight Loss Is Harder With Cheesecake in the World. Caveman Diet Was Much Less Tempting

The bad stuff tastes sooooo good

The health food pages mislead us. Healthy eating people don't tell us the whole truth. Doctors in weight loss clinics don't admit this:

The bad stuff tastes yummy.

It really does. I'm a doctor, so I help people make better choices. But I also know this:

Cheesecake lights up all the pleasure centres in my brain.

This shouldn't be a secret. It certainly won't come as a surprise. We all like sweet, sugary fatty foods. We are engineered to love the high calorie options. You may hear of people telling you that it is natural for us to eat veggies, salad, bird seed and rabbit food because our caveman ancestors did. This is true. I agree. But that doesn't make me want doughnuts any less.

Doughnuts and chocolate are really nice. There is a reason for this. It is not because I'm weak willed and feckless (though we all are a little bit). It is because my body is lazy and wants to get as many calories as it can it with as little energy burned.

This is a survival strategy. Forty thousand years ago these preferences would have kept us alive better than those who didn't feel this way. Modern sweet fatty food simply dials into this preset. It fits the way we are wired. This is why we spend so much of our time and money eating this stuff.

It is not because you are lazy or greedy. It is quite normal. But. And here is the big butt... it doesn't make it good for us. Natural stuff isn't always good for us. Natural tendencies aren't always going to make you live longer.

Arsenic is natural, so is appendicitis, so is dying in childbirth. We've moved on. We have different standards. I want to live to be eighty and beyond. I will need to use my brain to change my behaviour around food to make this happen.

If we eat in an unrestrained way. We will die early. We will become ill and suffer the consequences. It is not like health and smoking. It is not like an increased risk of getting cancer. It is not that it might or might not happen. Being fat is bad. Being more fat is worse. Getting fatter isn't random. We will all become larger on any day that we eat more than we burn. Have enough of these days and we will become bigger. That's it. The way to change this is to do the opposite. For a lot of days.

Just because some food tastes yummy and we are biologically engineered to desire it, doesn't make it OK. We have to stay strong. Every time you give in, you will make it harder to make progress.

Notice how easy it is to put a foot wrong and then start to become aware of where your weak-points are. Then we are in business and can make some progress.

More on this another day...

Dr Windross works as a GP and has a special interest in weight management. 'The Waist Management System' is available on Amazon and on Kindle:
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