Every year soon after Christmas we enter the get skinny quick
season. This is that time of year when everyone begins to realise that
they have put on a little weight over the winter and now need to 'get
skinny quick' ready for the beach season that lies ahead. This is of
course a crazy circle that goes on year after year. Perhaps this year it
is time to lose weight and get healthy and stay that way. Here is some
advice on how to make that happen.
The reason that you gain weight
in the winter is because of the foods you eat. With the dark evenings
and the cold weather it is much easier to go for junk food to keep us
going. It is natural to go for high calorie foods over winter. It is how
we once survived the baron winter months. These days however we have
more than enough food all year round so there is no need to binge on
The human body needs good food to maintain optimum health which means eating fresh produce. Staying clear from processed junk could be the best thing you ever do. It will over time result in weight loss and improved overall health. By doing this your body will return to the way it should be and will actually result in you being more active whether you think that is possible right now or not.
With healthy food comes a blood sugar level under control. When that is under control your body doesn't need insulin which is known to promote weight gain by forcing the energy you eat into your fat stores. Without this the body begins to release the fat stores and use it for energy. That is the reason why when you eat fresh unprocessed food you end up with more energy.
So starting to eat well will result in you being more active. Both lead to losing any fat you have and that leads you to the slim body you need for beach season. By eating a real diet of fresh food you will not have the need to lose weight after each new year. You will already be that weight. Trust me when I say that being your ideal weight and having all the exercise you want is the best way to be happy in life.
I used to eat a lot of chocolate but I found that by simply loving myself more I could see healthy food as a treat rather than the junk that made me fat. I lose the weight and got healthy over a few months. I now have all the energy I need and clear thinking to boot. It is for this reason that I no longer need to hit the 'get skinny quick' zone each January.
Losing weight is all about healthy eating. Once you do this there will be no need to keep losing weight each year. You can be your true weight all year round and healthy too. So get ride of the get skinny quick mentality and get healthy for life.

The human body needs good food to maintain optimum health which means eating fresh produce. Staying clear from processed junk could be the best thing you ever do. It will over time result in weight loss and improved overall health. By doing this your body will return to the way it should be and will actually result in you being more active whether you think that is possible right now or not.
With healthy food comes a blood sugar level under control. When that is under control your body doesn't need insulin which is known to promote weight gain by forcing the energy you eat into your fat stores. Without this the body begins to release the fat stores and use it for energy. That is the reason why when you eat fresh unprocessed food you end up with more energy.
So starting to eat well will result in you being more active. Both lead to losing any fat you have and that leads you to the slim body you need for beach season. By eating a real diet of fresh food you will not have the need to lose weight after each new year. You will already be that weight. Trust me when I say that being your ideal weight and having all the exercise you want is the best way to be happy in life.
I used to eat a lot of chocolate but I found that by simply loving myself more I could see healthy food as a treat rather than the junk that made me fat. I lose the weight and got healthy over a few months. I now have all the energy I need and clear thinking to boot. It is for this reason that I no longer need to hit the 'get skinny quick' zone each January.
Losing weight is all about healthy eating. Once you do this there will be no need to keep losing weight each year. You can be your true weight all year round and healthy too. So get ride of the get skinny quick mentality and get healthy for life.
Colin Stone writes articles on all aspects of health, fitness and
weight loss including this article on losing weight. Check out more
information on losing weight losing weight or check out http://www.colinmstone.co.uk
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