
Benefits of Incorporating Strength Training Into Your Weight Loss Plan

It's no secret that a healthy diet combined with an exercise routine is essential to leading a healthy life and maintaining a healthy weight. Eating healthy and including at least 150 minutes of physical activity a week is the basic amount of exercise needed to balance calories and maintain weight.

When creating a weight loss plan to shed more than a few pounds, it's important to choose the right diet and exercise routine specific for your individual goals. Diets need to be low in carbohydrates, fats and sugars and high in fibers, vitamins and minerals. Proteins and lean meats are essential when trying to build muscle. Eating lots of fresh vegetables and whole grains provide the body with the necessary nutrients needed to build muscle sand strength.

Just as diets need to be customized, workout routines need to be customized as well. There three main types of exercise: flexibility exercises, cardiovascular exercises, and strength exercises.

Flexibility exercises are basic range of motion exercises. They protect joints and reduce the risk of injury. These types of exercises are typically considered warm up routines that help release tension from stiff joints and muscles.

Cardiovascular or aerobic exercises describe any exercise or physical activity that uses the large muscles of the body in rhythmic, continuous motions. Aerobic exercise includes, running, swimming, walking and bicycling among others. These exercises improve the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and the lungs. Cardiovascular workouts can also improve endurance, strengthen bones, improve sleep, control weight, and reduce stress, depression and anxiety.

Strength exercises, or resistance exercises are especially important to those who are predisposed to arthritis. Strength exercises strengthen joints and surrounding muscles, making them better absorb shock. There are two main forms of resistance exercises: isometric and isotonic. Isometric exercises work by strengthening the muscles without moving the joint. Isometric exercises are especially important for those suffering from arthritis. In addition to strengthening muscles around joints, isometric exercises reduce stress around joints helping build the strength necessary in everyday life.

Isotonic exercises work by strengthening the muscles around the joint by moving the joint. These exercises also reduce stress to the joints and can be beneficial with reducing inflammation to the joints. Weights can be added with these types of exercises to build degrees of strength and muscle mass.

Practicing strengthening exercises are especially important to those who are predisposed to arthritis or have weak joints. Incorporating these exercises into part of a daily routine can protect against and even prevent future injuries and diseases.

Neville Street is the Administrative Director for Rodriquez MD, a bilingual medical practice in Lawrenceville, GA that provides health care to infants, children, adolescents and adults. Gwinnett doctors Deborah and Veronica Rodriguez are sisters with a combined 27 years of experience. The doctors are Board Certified in Family Medicine and Internal Medicine and both Gwinnett physicians have extensive experience working in private practice.

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