
Turn a Slow Metabolism Around With Foods That Boost Your Metabolism

Metabolism is something that many people believe works against them. If you put on weight easily, the blame can often be shouldered by your metabolism, as it can seem that some people put on weight much more easily than others. If two people were to eat the same things, and the same amount of them, as well as participate in the same exercise, and one put on more weight than the other, then of course one thing that people would say is that they have different metabolisms. But would that really happen?

boosting metabolism
The chances are that it wouldn't and studies have shown that to be the case. Lifestyle and dietary choices are the factors that comes into play as far as your metabolism is concerned.

The fact is that the decisions we make every single day when it comes to our diet and lifestyle, determine exactly how our metabolism behaves. If you overeat and under exercise, or just eat calorie loaded foods then the chances are that your metabolism is going to work against you. If you eat healthily, do not exceed more calories that your body needs each day, and make the effort to get regular exercise, then I am quite sure you will notice that your metabolism works positively. Adding several foods to boost your metabolism into the mix is a great idea, as these can genuinely make a difference.

It's never too late to boost your metabolism

One thing that you should always bear in mind is that it is never too late to kick that metabolism into shape. You are not going to help your cause by just resigning yourself to the thought that your metabolism is naturally slow, and that you can't do anything about it, that is simply not the case. You can make changes, at any time, it is down to how much you want to make them, and how much effort you are willing to put in to make them happen. After all it is your body and you are in control of it, nobody else.

Start off by finding out the number of calories you should be consuming each day in order to maintain your weight. There are loads of free calorie calculators online that can do this for you, and they are incredibly simple to use. Once you have your magic number then you need to get into the routine of calorie counting. But first compare your current diet to the number you come up with. By this I mean count the number of calories that you eat in a day, each day for a week, I am sure for those who think they have a slow metabolism, they will find that they consume more calories than their magic number, hence why it is that they gain weight.

It is easy to calorie count as the number of calories in any food product is found on the label, it is just a case of noting everything down. For foods such as fruits and vegetables for instance that have no packaging, check one of the many calorie sites online that will tell you how many calories they consume raw or cooked.

How to increase your metabolism?

In most cases the above is going to be correct and the way forward is to decrease your daily calorie intake, in order to stay below the number that you got from the calorie calculator.

But what else should you do?

Regular exercise is of paramount importance. This does not mean you have to go to the gym seven days a week and go for marathon length runs. Get twenty minutes physical activity a day, whether that is a walk, a go on the exercise bike, or taking part in some sort of hobby that involves exercise. Walking is a firm favorite as you can do it anytime, anywhere and it takes minimal effort, plus people don't have to see you puffing and panting as you are doing it at your own speed.

Including metabolism boosting foods in your diet is also a very positive step in the right direction. But which foods boost your metabolism? I hear you all say.

Here are some examples of metabolism boosting foods for you:

* Peppers - Habanero, chilli peppers, cayenne peppers, jalapeno peppers
* Green tea
* Water
* Salmon
* Celery
* Apples
* Spinach
* Eggs

These are just a few foods that boost your metabolism, and there are many more where they came from.


The fact is that you can turn a sluggish metabolism round at any time, you just have to know what to do, and be prepared to do it. This may mean being more active than you would like to be, and it may mean cutting out all of the foods that you enjoy the most, but surely your priority is with your health? It is also something that is not going to be achieved over night, so don't expect to go for a walk, have a different dinner that you were used to and then wake up 10 pounds lighter. But in time the fact that you are speeding up your metabolism, and will see noticeable changes will be well worth it.

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