
How to Get Bigger Pecs - 3 Exercises to Build Big Strong Pecs

One of the main skinny guy requests is how to get bigger "pecs". A guy with big strong pecs seems the definition of masculinity and power...after all, that's why all those guys in the comic books have huge "pecs", right?


As a skinny guy who isn't blessed with a barrel chest, figuring out how to build big strong "pecs" can seem like an uphill struggle. However, by performing certain exercises, you can increase your chances of building muscle quickly and getting bigger pecs.

Broadly speaking, the best way to gain muscle mass for skinny guys is to make compound exercises the focus of your workouts. These are exercises that work multiple muscle groups at the same time, and so the more muscle fiber that is stimulated per exercise the more gains you will see.

How To Get Bigger Pecs #1 - Bench Press

This is the most famous chest exercise of all, and with good's a super way to get bigger stronger pecs.

Lie flat on a weights bench and grab the barbell in an overhand grip with your hands about a shoulder width apart.

Lift the barbell off the rack and slowly lower towards your chest...stop an inch or two above your chest. Don't let it touch your chest as this can put unnecessary stress on your shoulders.

Push the bar back upwards exhaling as you do so, trying to squeeze your pecs at the top of the exercise. Keep the weight under control at all times, and avoid "bouncing" the weight or using momentum to cheat.

This can be performed with the bench inclined too, which will work the upper pectoral muscles - great for covering over those collar bones that always seem to stick out.

How To Get Bigger Pecs #2 - Dumbbell Flyes

These are great for developing the inner pecs to give you a strong defined line down the middle of your chest, and more of a barrel shape. They also work your shoulder muscles and back to a lesser extent.

Lie back on a weight's bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Raise the dumbbells so that they're above your chest and your palms are facing each other. With your arms slightly bent at the elbow, lower the weights in an arcing motion, until they're at the same height as your chest. Then lift them back to the start position through the same arcing motion. Squeeze your pecs at the top of the exercise.

This exercise can also be performed on an incline bench to get bigger upper pecs.

How To Get Bigger Pecs #3 - Push-Ups

An often neglected exercise, these are still the king of chest and upper body exercises, particularly if you don't have access to a gym.

Getting rock hard pecs with push ups is all about consistency, variety and incremental increases. It is best to set yourself a goal of always doing a few more push ups each time you do them, and maintaining a good technique.

Mix things up by placing your hands in different places - close together to work the inner pecs, further apart to work the outer pecs. Also try inclining your feet on a bench, as this will work the upper pecs and shoulders more.

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