
Diets - Why Diets Don't Work and What to Do Instead

Diets cannot work because they are a temporary state of living. Once you end the diet you return to your old habitual eating and exercise routines -the bevy ones that led you to gain the weight in the first place.


Einstein said it so well, "Insanity is doing the same thing every day expecting different results." Just because you dropped twenty or thirty pounds this time do you really think you will keep it off if you fail to make life changes and alter your daily routine?

The most important part of dropping excess weight and maintaining your new body is mindset. Until you decide you want to gain health and live in the body that is perfectly proportioned for you--as opposed to some air brushed model in a magazine ad - don't even bother to put yourself through the time, expense and possible torture of any diet.

Richard Simmons said it best when he pointed out that the word diet contains the word die. When most people decide they want to drop their excess weight they look at programs telling them what foods to buy and how to prepare them. They read about what they will get to eat, how much and how often.

As they feel the limits and restrictions they argue with their Little Voice about how they can do anything for six weeks or twelve weeks or however long the diet will last. Most people set themselves up to wage a war against the bulge as they prepare to execute the battle and conquer the fat.

They set a goal of losing weight or fat as opposed to gaining health. What do you do when you lose something? No wonder the average person not only regains their lost weight but also gains some extra pounds!

What if instead of looking at a temporary restriction on your enjoyment of food you chose to create a new life style? What if you learned a way to eat that does not require you to buy special foods or count calories. What if you never needed to weigh or measure your food portions?

When you change your life style you create and instill a new habitual way of life. You think differently. Since your thoughts create your emotions that lead to your actions you automatically do things that support your health and maintain your figure without any conscious effort.

When seeking a life style change look for a complete program that addresses your mindset, your personal needs and your desired end goal. Most important choose one that feels right for you so you can live that way for the rest of your life.

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