
The Importance of Breakfast in Weight Loss

A lot of the general public and about 33 per cent of dieters are often of the opinion that skipping "breakfast will actually aid their weight loss efforts to a certain degree. However, the truth of the matter is that skipping breakfast does instead actually tend to cause weight gain.


After having slept throughout the night, the body's metabolism is usually at its lowest in the morning just after waking up. The body is usually at this time in a low glucose (blood sugar) level. With this low blood sugar level, the brain and the nervous system gets starved of the needed glucose to work efficient.

When the required glucose is not adequately supplied, the body then slows down its metabolism (reduces the breakdown of fat) and goes into "starvation mode" in order to conserve energy. This situation instead of causing weight loss causes the body to virtually stop its fat burning activity due to the reduced metabolic state it is in.

The essence of "breakfast" in the morning is to allow the body to "break the fast" it had been observing during the period of sleep as it had not taken in any food or drink for the past eight to twelve hours. Eating "breakfast" is therefore meant to help the body jump-start its metabolism.

However, when "breakfast" is skipped, the body easily becomes fatigued, restless or irritable in the morning hours. Having breakfast before an active day will therefore help to normalize blood sugar levels and increase the body's metabolic rate which in turn helps to boost energy levels for the day.

In a survey carried out by The National Weight Control Registry on about 2,959 members of their over 5,000 members - individuals who have lost at least 30 pounds and maintained it for at least a year - indicated that 78 per cent had a habit of regularly eating breakfast everyday while about 90 per cent had "breakfast" at least five days a week.

The conclusion of another study also showed that there was a very strong correlation between the meal size eaten at breakfast and dinner. The study found that people who had eaten more breakfast consumed fewer calories during the rest of the day while individuals who did not eat breakfast or took little breakfast usually consumed more calories over a 24 hour period.

Therefore, not eating breakfast in the morning may actually cause an individual to eat more later on during the course of the day. This tendency of skipping breakfast is often associated with feeling of not being hungry in the morning and due to several lifestyle habits.

Some people skip "breakfast" as they always are in a hurry as they presumably don't always have "enough time", do not feel hungry, are afraid of gaining weight, and some others do not just like breakfast foods at all.

Whatever the reasons may be for skipping breakfast, it is important to understand that starting your day with a healthy "breakfast" can actually help fast-track your weight loss gains.

Eating a healthy breakfast has the following weight loss advantages:

  • Provides the body with energy to recharge and kick-start its metabolism after an eight to twelve hours fasting period.
  • Improves your efficiency at work by boosting your energy levels, concentration and alertness.
  • Helps keep you feeling less hungry during the day and also to avoid unhealthy snacking in between meals.
  • Breakfast also enhances your mood and keeps you more invigorated throughout the morning.

It therefore becomes obvious that eating breakfast is very essential for anyone who is trying to lose weight. Eating a healthy breakfast that avoids pastries, bacon and other high sugar, high fat, and high calorie laden foods will in no small way help to fast-track your weight loss effort.

To get the best from your breakfast, you should try as much as possible to include more fruits, vegetables and whole grains as high-fiber foods allow you to eat more food yet get fewer calories while also keeping you feeling fuller during the day.

Therefore, eating a healthy "breakfast" helps to jump-start your metabolism and keeps you from feeling hungry in the morning and eating too much during the rest of the day. However, if you normally skip "breakfast" or feel you don't have enough, try making some lifestyle changes today such as making a smoothie and putting it in a travel mug to have on the way to work.

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