
Yes, You Can Snack Smart On The Paleo Diet

One of the most important things about paleo, more than portion sizes or whether or not you eat dairy, is developing a fresh awareness of your body. Knowing what's going on in your body on a daily basis is crucial to a healthy lifestyle.
paleo diet

So, what about when you need a little extra snack to help you through the day? On the surface, the stuff you're eating on paleo doesn't lend itself to quick snacks. First, we'll briefly look at some ideas that will help you knock off hunger, then we'll look at some snack suggestions that taste great anytime.

Why Are You Snacking?

Are you eating out of boredom or social reasons, or are you legitimately hungry? If you're regularly feeling hungry before your next scheduled meal, chances are you aren't eating large enough portions for your metabolism and body weight. Remember that you're allowed to eat whatever you want, whenever you want, so you shouldn't deprive yourself.

Try to avoid storebought foods if you can - they're usually stuffed with HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) and very, very bad for you. While there are a few paleo-friendly products available online or in specialty stores, the least expensive option is to make them yourself.

Remember that fruit, nuts, and berries are near the top of the paleo pyramid, so don't go completely overboard!

Drink A Smoothie

A blender is one of the tastiest investments you can buy on Paleo. It's a great snack for breakfast or boosting you out of those mid-afternoon blues. Start with a base of crushed ice or coconut milk, then add some fruit. Blueberries, strawberries, apples, and an occasional banana are great choices. If you've ever put a couple of raw eggs into your smoothie, you know that they're a great source of protein and you barely taste it. Top it off with a little honey, cinnamon, or almond butter and you've got a great snack you can effortlessly share with your friends and family.

Trail Mix

If you need something to munch on, throwing a bunch of dried fruit and nuts into a bowl isn't a bad idea. You'll need to skip sugary trail mix from stores and make your own. Nuts are a great base for a healthy trail mix, but remember all nuts aren't created equal. Almonds, brazil nuts, and macadamias are all very healthy bases for your mix, walnuts are very high in fatty acids, and peanuts are a legume and should be avoided altogether. Add in some sesame, pumpkin, or sunflower seeds and top your trail mix off with something sweet like coconut shavings, dried fruit, or raisins.

Something Savory

Sometimes you don't want a sweet snack, instead you want something like a miniature meal. Meat is easy to get in snack form if you've got a can or you're willing to slice it thin and make jerky in an oven. Grab a lean cut of beef, trim off the fat, cit it into very lean slices and add it to a mixture of water, garlic, teriyaki sauce, worchestershire sauce, and black pepper (Bacon Salt is also a great choice if you can get your hands on it). Stick it on a baking sheet and turn the oven to 175 degrees for 3 hours. Then turn it over and roast it for another hour and a half. You'll know it's ready when the jerky bends without snapping.

Snacking on the paleo diet isn't tough, and with a little creativity you'll be up to your ears in delicious treats any time of the day!

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