
How to Get Ripped Chest Muscles and Lose Man Boobs

Look at any glossy magazine nowadays or any popular television show, for that matter, and you will find images of people with perfect physiques. The most outstanding feature of an outstanding or sexy physique is a large, rippling chest and ripped abdominal muscles. There is no great secret to getting these features and can be had by anyone with a little work. Although there are no secrets there are a few tips that will see you get results fast. The following will look at how to build a super, ripped chest.

The chest muscles are composed of two layers of muscles, the smaller pectoralis minor muscles that lie close to the chest wall and the larger pectoralis major muscles that lie over the top of these. To get a big chest we have to first stimulate these muscles to grow. On of the best exercises is the bench press, where you lie on your back and with a barbel above your chest. With the arms outstretched and holding the barbel, slowly bring it down to the chest and then back up to the start position.

One of the secrets to this exercise is to concentrate on slowly lowering the weights to the chest and then slowly push it back up. No quick or jerky movements. This will workout out those much more efficiently and you muscles will be under stress for a much longer time. Another good point is to split the chest muscles into three parts - the upper, middle and lower. To get the best results it is useful to exercise these individual parts. This can be done easily with the bench press exercise. To work the middle part then lie flat on the bench as described above. To work the upper part then tilt the bench upwards so that your head is higher than your feet. Lift the weights as described for the normal press. To exercise the lower part then repeat this but this time tilt the bench so that the foot end is slightly higher than the head end. Only lift the bench a very small amount. With these exercises it is important for safety to have a training partner to help in case you run into difficulties.

To get the muscular ripped look you are going to have to get rid of that obscuring fat layer that lies over these muscles. This can be approached in two ways. The first is to reduce your calorie intake. This can be done by eating the same quantity of food but reducing the proportion of fat you eat. This will mean eating increased quantities of protein which has a smaller number of calories per gram than fat.

The next step is to burn those excess calories. To do this, the best way is to perform aerobic exercises. The best ones are cycling, running and swimming. If you've not exercised before, start slowly and your your way up in terms of duration of exercising.

One of the benefits of exercising the chest is that due to them being large muscles they also produce a lot of heat and burn loads of calories when exercised. The other additional benefit is that they stimulate the body's own growth hormone production which further stimulates muscle growth.

Take all this advice and put it into practice and it is possible to get a ripped set of chest muscles within as little as twelve weeks. The main point is to do small amounts consistently to see big gains overall.

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