
By Far the Best Exercises to Lose Belly Fat Fast!

If you want to lose belly fat fast, then you have to do the most effective exercises. Too often people make things more complicated the they really are. The basic and fundamental exercises are always your number one choice. The faster you want to lose belly fat, the more effective your workouts need to be and in order to make your workouts effective, you need to do the best exercises. Simple!
lose belly fat

The best exercises to lose belly fat fast

The best and most effective way to burn fat, is to combine both cardio and weight training. There are people, who believe that lifting weights is for freaks who want huge muscles and there are people who believe, that cardio is a monster that eats away the muscle tissue. When you ignore weight training or when you ignore cardio, then your fat loss effectiveness will drop significantly.

Best cardio exercises to lose belly fat fast


This is the ideal exercise, if you are just starting your exercise program and have lived a sedentary lifestyle. Everyone can walk, it is natural and especially effective for people who are seriously overweight, pregnant and old. Walking for 30-60 minutes is great. The problem with walking is that the fat burning potential is very low, unless you really push your pace. When you are walking for losing fat, then it is certainly no walk in the park.

Stationary cycling

This is a fantastic cardio exercise to lose belly fat fast, for just about everyone. The main reason why it is so good, is because the potential for injury is low and it doesn't require any skills or coordination. The fat burning potential for stationary cycling is moderate to high but it can get boring and monotonous.

Best weight training exercises to lose belly fat fast

There are literally hundreds of exercises you can do, but most of them are variations of the basic exercises. Some of the most effective exercises include squats, chin-ups, rows, presses and lunges. These basic exercises tend to be more difficult so people often ignore then, which is a mistake. Of course you should vary your exercises every now and then, but below are some of the best exercises for each muscle group.

Back - Dumbbell rows, Barbell rows, Chin-ups, Cable rows, Pulldowns
Chest - Barbell bench press, Dumbbell bench press, Wide Grip Dips, Cable Crossovers, DB flyes
Biceps - Dumbbell Curl, Barbell Curl, Concentration curl, Preacher Curl, Cable/mach. curl
Shoulders - Dumbbell Press, Military BB Press, Dumbbell Laterals, DB front raise, DB rear laterals
Forearms - Barbell wrist curl, Reverse Curl, Reverse wrist curl, Hammer Curl, DB wrist curl
Quads - Squats, Hack Squat, Leg Press, Leg Extension
Calves - Seated calf raise, Standing calf raise, Donkey calf raise, Calf press
Hamstrings - Stiff leg deadlift, Lying leg curl, Seated leg curl, Hyper extension
Abs - Crunch, Hip Lift, Reverse crunch, Cable Crunch, Hanging knee-up

These were some of the most basic and best exercises to lose belly fat fast. But a training program is just one part of a fat loss program. If your nutrition plan is not great, then the exercises you are doing will not bring you the desired result.

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