
5 Quick Food Substitutes For Easy Weight Loss

It is a lot easier to shed those extra pounds without dieting than you might think. In this article, I'll show you how with my 5 quick food substitutes for easy weight loss. If you follow these tips, you'll lose weight and keep it off without even feeling like you are dieting!
easy weight loss

1. Fresh Fruits and Yogurt for Ice Cream

Most of us love ice cream, and why shouldn't we? It's delicious! However, it is also very fattening. A single 1/2 cup serving of vanilla ice cream is 137 calories and has over 7 grams of fat. However, let's face it, most of us likely eat 4x that much when we eat it.

As a healthier, lower calorie substitute for ice cream, chop up some fresh fruits like bananas, strawberries, and blueberries, and top with some low-fat vanilla or fruit-flavored yogurt. You'll love it and lose weight without even missing the ice cream!

2. Iceberg Lettuce for Buns

Summer is BBQ time, and that means hamburgers and hotdogs! Rather than sacrificing these treats for the sake of your diet, forego the bun instead! A single hamburger bun has 84 calories. Drop the bun and wrap your burger or dog in a big piece of iceberg lettuce instead. You'll save on the bun calories and also discover that eating burgers and dogs this way is actually quite delicious!

3. Zucchini for Pasta

This one's a bit radical but if you try it you'll love it. A single serving of pasta has roughly 180 calories, and this simple carbohydrate tends to stick to your waist after eating. As a substitute for pasta, chop up some zucchini into thin, spaghetti-shaped strips. Top with your favorite tomato sauce and enjoy. You'll love this light yet tasty dish, and save big on calories with your clever zucchini pasta!

4. Water for Juice

Many people mistakenly believe that they are making a healthy choice by drinking a big glass of orange juice, but in fact, concentrated juices are high in calories and sugar. Have a zero-calorie glass of water instead. In fact, have several!

If you really must have your juice, here's a smart calorie-saving tip. Dilute a glass of juice with 1/2 or even 2/3 water. At first it will taste a bit watered down, but eventually you'll learn to enjoy this juice treat without the calories and spike in blood sugar.

5. Salad for Sandwiches

At lunchtime, instead of a sandwich or other bread-wrapped treat, opt for a salad. Popular eateries like Subway and Chipotle offer salad versions of their sandwiches and burritos. By eschewing the hi-calorie breads, wraps, and tortillas, you'll save those calories even while you still enjoy your lunchtime favorites.

Follow the above five food substitutes, and you'll see those few extra pounds come off even while you continue to enjoy your favorite foods, all without dieting!

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