
3 Fat Burning Foods For Quick Weight Loss

If someone wants to lose a few pounds quickly, to perhaps look especially good in that bathing suit, or maybe a special occasion where that perfect little black dress would look great on them if they just lost a few pounds, then try eating these three fat burning foods that will have you looking great in whatever you wear, fast.
quick weight loss

Metabolism is what causes the food to either be burned up for energy, saved for a later time when energy is needed or creates it into waste if the body does not need it. If a person's metabolism is slow, this means that they may not take in many calories a day, but whatever they eat doesn't get burned up, causing weight gain. If a person eats too much and the body doesn't need all of the energy it just received, it takes all the extra calories and stores them as fat cells. If a person is inactive and doesn't use the energy from foods they consume, the body has no choice except to change the food into fat. Fat burning foods all have one thing in common. They each contain chemicals that acts on the cells of the body. Below are three fast acting fat burning foods that can actually get those fat cells burned away quickly.

This fruit has the chemical Pectin that acts on fat cells by limiting the amount of fat that the cells can actually absorb. Pectin has the ability to absorb fluids and use them to attack cells, forcing them to release the fat in them. They also are a high source of fiber, which speeds up absorption to eliminate consumed fats quickly, while giving a person a full feeling as well. Eating 2-3 apples a day will keep this process going in the body for fast weight loss.

Soybeans contain the chemical lecithin. This chemical builds a shield around cells preventing them from storing fat. It also has the capability to break down the body's fat deposits. Include these beans in your diet three times a week and they will help the body shed pounds fast.

Whole Grain Cereals
Filled with fiber and complex carbohydrates, these chemical compounds work on the body to speed up metabolism by keeping insulin levels from rising after eating. When insulin levels rise the body thinks it needs to start storing fat. Keeping insulin levels low naturally speeds up the burning of fat cells.

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