
Cabbage Soup Diet For Weight Loss

Excess weight is a problem for most of the people. Every one tries to use different types of diet to loose weight. At times while selecting the diet we forget to find out if it is beneficial for our health or are we just harming our body on the name of losing weight.
cabbage soup diet

One of the healthiest, effective and fast ways to loose weight is the cabbage soup diet. This diet is a low fat high fiber diet that helps to get rid of excess weight. The diet should be followed for seven days only and not longer than that. When you are following the diet you should drink lots of water and follow the diet religiously.

While doing the cabbage soup diet you can also take multivitamin tablets. You must have as much soup as you want and don't make yourself starve else you would get tempted to break the diet. You can add different spices to make your soup more interesting and appetizing.

The cabbage soup diet usually contains cabbage, onion and tomatoes and helps to burn fat due to the high fiber content. To make your soup more scrumptious you can add bell peppers, celery, salt, pepper, garlic powder or any other spices of your choice. You can also add light chicken stock or vegetable broth. This seven day diet includes: - Cabbage soup and fruits except banana on the first day. Tea without sugar should be taken.

On the second day you can have cabbage soup and vegetables but should avoid dry beans, corn and peas and have one baked potato which you can make more interesting by adding spices and onion.

On the third day of your diet you can have fruits, vegetables and soup. On the fourth day you can have banana and milk and not to forget the cabbage soup. The fifth day would include tomatoes, meat or fish and the soup. On the sixth day you can have soup, meat and lots of green leafy vegetables.

On the last day of your cabbage soup diet you can have soup, rice, fruit juice and vegetables. During you diet you can't have bread, alcohol, carbonated beverages or even diet soda. What you can have is black coffee, black tea, unsweetened fruit juice, cranberry juice and skimmed milk. By following this diet you can easily loose 10 to 15 pounds in a week.

The healthiest way to do this diet is to follow it for a week and then take a minimum break of one week and if you wish you can start your diet again. The cabbage soup diet is surely a successful and quick way to loose the unwanted fat.

I lost 40 lbs in 3 months with extreme dieting measures that almost destroyed my health. Spicy food + lots of milk that lead to serious diarrhea every day. I've been doing a bit of research after my dramatic weight loss experience and found that there's actually a PROGRAM designed to do what I attempted, except its basically more healthier and effective.

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