
3 Hot Secrets About Diets That Work

Being in the "diet research" world in which I spend my days happily wading through reams of information, I find a wealth of interesting nuggets about different mechanisms which seem to affect whether particular diets are working or not. Believe it or not, I have found these 3 common elements among nearly all dieters and confirmed them all on a personal basis. Here they are and what you should do about them.
diets that work

1. The "dieters rut".Your diet seems to be working as it should be but you find yourself beginning to experience the "no loss" rut. It happens to nearly all except those who have a very refined diet which includes lots of water, protein and who engage metabolic rate control. The "rut" dieter will nearly always start losing weight quickly and then level off and lose nothing. The factor involved with this is your metabolism adjusting and slowing down. This is a natural protection element that your body employs as it thinks you are having a hard time finding food. Your diet may also be causing you to retain salt. A main element which contribute to water retention. You must drink plenty of water...8 glasses...over the course of the day to flush the salt away.

2. Diets that work always employ metabolic "enhancers". What are these metabolic enhancers? One is exercise. Your diet isn't just about what you eat. It's also about what you do. You must get and stay on an active program of exercise to keep your metabolism on high speed. Two, you must stop or at least slow way down on carbs or sugars. To supercharge your energy level get some beet juice and drink some three times a day an hour before you exercise. This will boost your metabolism and cause your muscle to require less oxygen and work more efficiently.

3. Diets that work also include certain vitamin supplements. I am not a vitamin pusher of sorts as I believe you should get those by eating a proper diet but when you are dieting and if you are drinking all the water that you should be, you may be flushing more vitamins out than you are taking in. Of special concern is vitamin C and B vitamins which rev your metabolism and keep you burning those calories.

There are many diets that work and work fast. I have researched and written about all of them. Remember, knowledge is power and power is control. You can win the war of weight loss!

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