
Diet For Gout - Does Eating Tomatoes Trigger Gout

When considering a diet for gout there are many things to consider. Normally, tomatoes are considered one of the healthiest of vegetables (more correctly a fruit) but when it comes to gout they do not suit everyone.
gout diet

The problem with tomatoes for the gout sufferer is their low pH and this makes them a potentially one of the gout trigger foods.  And to complicate matters more the pH of tomatoes varies depending on the variety of tomato and how it has been processed.

So the approximate pH value of variously processed tomatoes is;
  • vine ripened 4.42 - 4.65
  • canned 3.5 - 4.70
  • juice 4.10 - 4.60
  • paste 3.50 - 4.70
  • puree 4.30 - 4.47
  • strained 4.32 - 4.58
  • cream of tomato soup 4.62
You can see that canned tomatoes can vary from one of the most acidic ways of eating them to one of the better ways (in case you needed any more encouragement to read the labels on cans.)  But all of the different processing methods still leave the tomato with a pH of under 5 which is not usually good for a person who suffers from gout.
Different varieties of tomato also vary in pH level.  Cherry tomatoes are the most acidic with a pH of 4.0, Beefsteak 4.6, Roma and Vita Gold 5.1, and Super Marzano  coming in at the most alkaline at 5.2.

You can see from those values that if you really want to eat tomatoes that a vine ripened Super Marzano will be the least likely to trigger a gout attack and canned Cherry tomatoes would be your likeliest culprit and the least suitable in a diet for gout.

And possibly the biggest deciding factor is your own body.  What triggers gout in one person does not necessarily do it to someone else.

It is essential to be well informed on gout trigger foods. Gout Home Remedies will give you all the help and information you need to free yourself from the pain of gout.

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