
Eliminate Cravings For Better Health

By Frances Keith

Eliminate Cravings For Better Health, Health,An individual may think that he or she is too often lusting after a certain thing. Or he or she may want a thing more than is healthy. Such an individual may seek to eliminate cravings.

The definition of a craving: a formidable urge or inner hunger that comes at unexpected times. A craving can be for something unusual that a man or woman does not normally want. It can also be for something that other people would not normally want.

A craving can create problems in everyday life. It can come at bad times such as while asleep or while at work. It can appear at even more troubling times such as in the middle of a crisis or during a very stressful experience.

Cravings are known to occur during pregnancy. Pregnant mothers can experience them. Often these are for odd things such as pickles, turnips, or salad dressing. Often for pregnant mothers they come in combinations such as pickles with ice cream or tacos and pancakes. The odd, sudden needs of pregnant mothers can sound strange, but they sometimes indicate invisible nutritional needs. For example, a craving for pickles may indicate a need for nitrogen or sodium. A sudden taste for ice cream might indicate a need for sugar or calcium. These desires are temporary and usually disappear when the invisible temporary nutritional requirement is met.

Some individuals are affected by desires that are unhealthy. For example, a man may begin spending too much time at a tanning parlor because he desires the feeling that comes from the UV radiation. Sunlight typically stimulates a production of hormones that he may crave. Or he may need the effect the UV rays have on his circadian rhythm and biological clock. A woman may crave alcohol is she is an alcoholic. She may seek to drink booze at social functions due to stress or because of insecurity. A woman may choose to drink by herself because she is lonely and intends to experience feelings of freedom. In any case, an individual may wish to abolish his or her cravings if the cost of them starts to overshadow their benefits. If an impulse produces problems with health or financial issues, one may wish to eliminate those cravings.

Usually, a craving has a physical or a psychological cause. Physical causes include malnutrition, too much stress, even disease. Psychological causes include mental illness, depression, and other problems. Eliminating an undesired urge will vary according to whether the urge has its basis in a physical or psychological cause.

Cravings that are physical in nature can be eliminated by dealing with those causes. If an individual eats an unhealthy diet, making that diet healthier can reduce the impulse or desire. If an individual is afflicted with a disease or disorder, getting treatment can mean managing or eliminating the impulse. If an individual is dealing with stress, reducing that stress can in effect get rid of his or her craving.

A craving that has a psychological cause is best addressed in terms of that cause. If a food is craved, perhaps because it provides comfort, then finding another way to get the same comfort can eliminate the hunger. If someone is suffering from clinical depression, and as result craves a certain food or activity, then getting the proper treatment for this depression whether through counseling or getting medicated can eliminate cravings.

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