
Can You Fast on Soup and Vegetables for Weight Loss?

Losing weight requires strict discipline regarding the kind of foods you eat as well as your lifestyle. Weight loss is mainly about making changes in food and exercise; and ultimately moving around more. If you have these areas well taken care of you will not have such a hard time losing weight and keeping it off. The best diet for weight loss is fresh vegetables and fruits that have all the natural nutrients your body requires. What you must however avoid like a plague is oily and carbohydrate loaded foods that are rich in calories.


It is possible to diet using only "soup' and vegetables for weight loss. While going through a diet or weight loss program, one of your greatest challenges is staying away from food when the temptation arises. As you reduce the amount of food you eat, your body is not yet used to the little food you are giving it. It will take some time for your body to adapt to this. However, soup is a secret ingredient for easing hunger pangs when such moments arise. "Soup" keeps the stomach full so it will take longer before you start feeling hungry again.

You can eat your meal accompanied with a glass of water or even better, make "soup" from it. This method of weight loss comes in handy for the people who have the habit of snacking between meals. When you take in "soup' made from food, the solution settles in the stomach for the digestive juices in the stomach to act on it. Therefore the food will have to stay longer in the stomach hence getting rid of hunger. On the other hand, when you take soup made from adding water to the food, the food will settle in the stomach whereas water will pass through to the intestines, therefore, you are likely to feel hungry sooner.

The stomach walls release secretions that are constantly produced called ghrelin. This secretion increases whenever there is no food in the stomach. Ghrelin passes through the stomach wall into the blood system where it is transported to the hypothalamus, which is part of the brain. Here it informs the brain that there is no food in the stomach so that it reacts by increasing the appetite so that will eat food. However, if you have eaten soup, it will stay in the stomach for a longer time giving you the effect that you are full, hence ghrelin will not be produced in the stomach and you will not feel hungry.

Cabbage "soup" is a healthy option for a vegetable "soup" for weight loss. It will make your stomach feel full. Eating healthy vegetables and foods will also need a healthy drink to go with it. Good options may include berry juice, tea or just water. These are healthy drinks without many calories in them. Controlling the appetite is one of the most important things you need to learn to do in order to lose weight and keep it off.

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