
Intense Kettlebell Training Routine For Fat Loss

Do you remember that movie "300." That film broke a lot of rules. But one of the things that people took notice was the incredible physiques of the cast. There was a lot of "buzz" and rumors surrounding how the 300 guys trained. But one thing was for sure - they all looked like bodybuilders without actually training like one.


The "300 Workout" really shook the fitness world and gave people another option to get into shape. It proved to people that they did not need to spend hours per week in the gym trying to get into shape. And it also gave people another training tool to use: the Kettlebell.

Kettlebells have been around for a long time. In fact, they were invented by the Russians as a primitive version of the dumbbell. Even after being introduced in the U.S a few decades ago, it only had a very small, hardcore following. But now, you can even see Kettlebells in your local commercial gym.

Now that the price of Kettlebells have gone down dramatically, they make the perfect training tool for you to use at home. I'm going to show a very simple workout you can do at home in under 15 minutes:

10 rounds of:

  • Kettlebell Clean and Press, 15 seconds each side
  • Kettlebell Floor Press, 15 seconds each side
  • Kettlebell Front Squat, 15 seconds each side

Perform each movement for 15 seconds with each hand. Go through each exercise right after the other as a circuit. Complete 10 rounds of the full circuit.

These intense kettlebell workouts are guaranteed to help you drop fat. The best thing I love about Kettlebells is that you can effectively target your entire body within one session. No more splitbody part training for me! I now just perform 3-4 kettlebell workouts per week, each lasting 10-20 minutes.

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