
Burn Body Fat - 3 Powerful Exercises to Burn Body Fat From Problem Areas

You know you can't burn body fat from a specific area of your body, right? 

burn body fat

If you could, women wouldn't opt to lose 2 cup sizes when they lose weight. Given the choice, most would keep their bosom intact and burn fat from their thighs, stomachs, and backside instead.

But it doesn't work that way. When you burn body fat, it comes from all over. So you can't "spot reduce".

What you can do though, is to focus some extra attention on those problem areas. Building muscles can help burn body fat faster and longer, even after you've stopped exercising.

Get Rid of Flabby Arms

Diamond Push-up - Like a regular push-up except your hands are close together on the floor with your index fingers and thumbs creating a diamond shape. Very effective on flabby arms, very hard to do if you're not used to push-ups. Start with one, if necessary, until you can build up some strength in your arms.

Flatten Your Stomach

Leg Raises - Good old fashioned leg raises are great for toning the abdominal muscles. You can even do them while watching a TV show. Lie down on the floor and raise both legs 6-12 inches and try to hold them up there for 10 seconds to start. (If you have problems doing it at first, try bending your knees)

Tone Your Buttocks

Weighted Squats - Hold a 1, 3 or 5 lb weight in each hand, feet apart (shoulder's width), head and back straight and squat down as if you were about to sit down in a chair. Thighs should be parallel to the floor...hold for 5 seconds, then slowly pull yourself back up to a standing position.

Add this extra attention to your favorite problem area 3 times a week in addition to your regular workout routine and burn body fat away like butter in a hot skillet.

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