
3 Critical Muscle Fiber Types For Bodybuilding

It is extremely critical to develop a bodybuilding program stimulating the 3 muscle fiber types. This can be the difference between a hard ripped body and an average Joe over trained body.

Muscle fiber types are not always described in detail with many of the bodybuilding courses and sites you may encounter on the internet or in the gyms.

The inside of your body is where the 3 different muscle fiber types reside. You may not even notice that much of a difference from the outside in front of a mirror, but your body knows the difference!

Let's look at the different groups of muscle fibers and how we can take advantage of their power:

Type A muscles: These are the fast-twitch muscle fibers

Fast twitch muscle fibers known as type A, are the muscles responsible for the most forceful contractions generated in your body. Unfortunately, these muscles also experience fatigue the fastest.

Let me give you an example. When you perform bench pressing exercises, the type A muscle fibers are the predominately used muscles for this exercise.

These muscles contain very large motor neurons and also very low mitochondrial density. These muscles do not utilize oxygen very well as they have a low oxidative capacity. These types of muscles do no suit themselves for endurance activities very well. You see, oxygen must be present for endurance exercises and therefore, these type A muscles are not made for that purpose.

The type A muscles rely on creative phosphate and stored glycogen (glucose) as the fuel for energy. They will not use your stored fat (what me, stored fat?) because they can only contract constantly from about 1 to twenty seconds at a time.

Type B muscles: These are known as the fast-twitch muscle fibers

The type B muscles are in the same family as the type A muscles but not quite to the same extent as the type A muscles.

These muscles are used in workouts for mostly shorter durations of activities. Not quite up to the marathon type of muscles, these are moderate.

Let me give you an example. Let's say you are sprinting the 100 meters. This is a type A muscle activity. On the other hand, an interval of eighty to ninety percent for thirty seconds will use the type B twitch muscles.

These muscles do use oxygen to a larger degree than type A. Type B muscles still have a large motor neuron (though not as big as type A). They are the intermediate type of muscle because they are resistant to fatigue. They also have a high degree of mitochondrial density.

These muscles contract in longer durations, are fatigued to a lesser degree and use oxygen better than the type A muscles.

The slow-twitch muscles: The running muscles

The third type of critical muscle fiber is a slow-twitch muscle family. These are called the marathon muscles. The characteristics of these muscles are extended durations and medium to lower intensity activity.

These slow-twitch muscles contain a very high ability to avoid fatigue. They also use large amounts of oxygen to power these muscles.

Unfortunately, these muscles are slower to contract. The forces obtained in these muscles are not as powerful as the other muscles. Therefore, these muscles are not used in workouts that require a large degree of power moves.

These muscles are very high in terms of mitochondrial density. The muscles contain large amounts of capillaries carrying oxygen around our body. This oxygen capacity is what provides the marathon type of workouts. The extended time frame for the workouts is a result of this oxygen carrying ability.

This is the great part: these slow-twitch muscles rely on FAT as a fuel. Yes, the reason many of us workout, can be obtained by using these muscles. Instead of carbohydrates or Creatine phosphate, the fat powers these muscles in workouts.

So how do we use this information in our proven fitness routines? We will train each group a little differently.

Using you best force generators, type A, you will want to train by using exercises that maximizes the effort for a shorter period of time.

A good example is doing a sprint at full speed, 2-5 rep sets in weights and other types of plyometric activities.

The next step will be to train the type B muscle fibers by decreasing slightly the amount of force contracting the muscle while simultaneously increasing the amount of time you contract the muscles so slightly.

Here is a good example, exercise 30 to 45 intervals repeating 10 times using 1 minute or 1.5 minutes resting at a low to moderate rhythm. Since these muscles have a higher oxygen utilization ability, target the six to ten range for maximum benefit.

Last but not least, improving the slow-twitch muscle fibers will happen with endurance. Longer here is the key. This will take more time but the amount of time training is the most important part of this type of muscle.

So, if you run, run longer than before. If you bike, take more time biking. If you swim, increase the amount of time swimming - got it.

Don't worry, this muscle thrives on extended amounts of time and it is exactly how you want to train it going forward.

In conclusion, when planning out your training plan, think about the different types of muscles involved with the activity. You will get the most out of your efforts. Your muscles will react as I described above and the results will come. The types are your friends.

Finally exposed! We blow the lid off of the bodybuilding and supplement industry to reveal the honest and unbiased truth about gaining strength, building muscle and melting away unwanted body fat.

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